Veritas Christian Academy
Board of Directors

The purpose of the School Board is to provide earthly and spiritual leadership, representing the families committed to the mission and vision of our school. 

The board meets monthly with periodic open meetings which can be attended by non-board members. An email can be sent to board@vcamo.com for dates of open meetings and request attendance. 

Doug Brackenridge headshot

Douglas Brackenridge

Board Chair

Doug Brackenridge is married to Tammy. They have three children, Abby (’20), Nathan (’22) and Andrew (’24). Doug has been employed in research and development with an agriculture company in the Saint Louis region for over 20 years.

Donovan Lloyd

Vice Chair

Donovan Lloyd is married to Lawayna. They have two sons, Donovan B. Lloyd II (’20) and Daniel Brock Lloyd (’21). Donovan has served in youth ministry for over seventeen years and has a passion for apologetics. He serves on the board in the area of Biblical Foundations/Oneness.

Bryan Joiner

Finance Chair

Bryan Joiner is married to Stephanie.  They have four children, Ava (‘24), Harper (‘34), Hayes (‘38), and Hawkins (’41). Bryan is a strategist for a corporate bank, an industry he’s worked in for the last decade. The Joiners have been part of Veritas Christian Academy since 2020, and Bryan joined the board in 2021.

Katie Markell

Board Director

Katie and her husband Joe have four children, Emily (’34), Oliver (’36), Asher (’41), and Isaac who was born earlier this year. She works as a financial analyst for a DoD government contractor.

Join our board!

If you are interested in serving on the board, please contact our Head of School, Jake Ibbetson for more details. Our board commitment is a 3 year term, serving 3-5 hours monthly.