College Guidance
Our desire is to intentionally partner with parents in the education of their children. Our partnership goal is to assist in identifying and developing a student’s giftedness in order to enable them to glorify God through the use of those gifts. We do this through a commitment to partnering with parents in creating a four-year plan for each student, taking into consideration post-secondary goals. We provide testing opportunities, which help to track students’ intellectual development, as well as career and college guidance to assist students in future planning. In addition, we collaborate with teachers, resource services, and administration in order to care for and encourage the holistic development of our students.

Scholarship Opportunities
Veritas Christian Academy is honored to work with certain colleges for scholarship opportunities for those students graduating specifically from our school. Below are details for each school that we work with. For more information please contact our Dean of High School Students, Mrs. Neff.
Grand Canyon University
Grand Canyon University provides a $4,000 scholarship per year for students living on campus who have graduated from a school that participates in their Canyon Christian School Consortium (CCSC). Find more information here.
Greenville University
For students who graduate or plan to graduate from a Christian/faith-based high school, Greenville University offers an automatic $20,000 stackable scholarship.
Hannibal LaGrange University
The Christian Heritage 50% Tuition Scholarship is available to current high school and home school seniors, as well as transfer students who are new to the HLGU campus. To be eligible the student must:
• be a graduate of a VCA or home school program
• meet all admissions guidelines
• be a residential student at HLGU
• be enrolled as a first-time, full-time, degree-seeking student
• pay tuition and housing deposits
The Christian Heritage 50% Tuition Scholarship is renewable for 8 consecutive semesters, requires a 2.5 GPA for renewal, cannot be combined with additional HLGU scholarships and is available to fall and spring semester students only. Find out more information here.
Harding University
Harding provides one course each semester at no charge for juniors and seniors. The criteria are as follows:
• You must apply to Harding
• You need immunization records
• A GPA of 3.0 or higher
• an ACT composite score of 19 or higher.
Find out more information here.
Missouri Baptist University
Missouri Baptist University provides an annual scholarship of $22,000 for VCA graduates. This is renewable annually and a 2.0 is required while enrolled at Missouri Baptist University to be eligible.
The A+ Scholarship may pay tuition and fees to any Missouri public community college or career/technical school for up to 2 years. There are also incentive A+ scholarships at some 4 year schools in Missouri. For official information about the A+ program from the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development click here.
To qualify for the A+ Scholarship, students must:
- Complete a written A+ Schools Agreement;
- Attend a designated A+ high school for two years prior to graduation (Must apply no later than Nov. 1 of your senior year.)
- Graduate from high school with a grade point average of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale (grades 9-12);
- Maintain a 95 percent attendance record in grades 9-12;
- Perform 50 hours of unpaid tutoring or mentoring coordinated by the A+ office (up to 12.5 hours can include job shadowing experiences);
- Maintain a record of good citizenship and avoid the use of alcohol and other unlawful drugs (not be suspended five days or more and no Safe Schools Act violations, grades 9-12);
- Earn a score of Proficient or higher on the Algebra 1 End of Course Assessment
- Attend a Missouri community college or post-secondary vocational/technical school on a full-time basis and maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher
- The A+ Schools Program’s student financial incentive will be available for up to two (2) years of attendance during the four-year period after graduation from high school.